
کتاب سیری در ادبیات انگلیس 2 کد 590

شرح :

این کتاب برای دانشجویان رشته زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی در مقطع کارشناسی به عنوان منبع اصلی درس «سیری در تاریخ ادبیات انگلیس» به ارزش 4 واحد تدوین شده است.


در انبار موجود نمی باشد

وزن 840 گرم


امرالله ابجدیان





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نوع جلد

سال چاپ

نوبت چاپ


فهرست :

Part I: Restoration of Monarchy and The Age of Dryden
   Chapter 1:  The Spirit of Restoration and the Rise of Neo-Classicism
   Chapter 2:  Satire: Its Origin and Development
   Chapter 3:  Minor Poets of the Restoration Period
   Chapter 4:  Minor Poets of the Restoration Period
   Chapter 5:  Restoration Drama: Heroic Plays and Tragedies
   Chapter 6:  Restoration Comedy
   Chapter 7:  Restoration Prose
   Chapter 8:  Restoration Literary Criticism
Part II.: The Age of Pope and Swift
   Chapter 9:  The Augustan Literary and Political Temper
   Chapter 10: Jonathan Swift, the Tory Satirist
   Chapter 11: Alexander Pope, the Tory Satirist
   Chapter 12: Periodical Essays: Addison and Steele
Part III: The Age of Johnson
   Chapter 13: Samuel Johnson’s Prose and Poetry
   Chapter 14: Drama to 1800
   Chapter 15: Novel Its Rise, Definition, Aspects, Types, and Schools
   Chapter 16: Eighteenth-Century Novel
   Chapter 17: Eighteenth-Century Literary Criticism
   Chapter 18: The Movement Away From Neo-Classicism and the Age of Sensibility
Part IV: The Romantic Period
   Chapter 19: Romanticism: Definition, Points of View, and Poetic Theory
   Chapter 20: William Blake
   Chapter 21: William Wordsworth
   Chapter 22: Samuel Taylor Colridge
   Chapter 23: George Gordon, Lord Byron
   Chapter 24: Percy Bysshe Shelley
   Chapter 25: John Keats
   Chapter 26: The Tssayists and Other Prose Writers in the Romantic Period
   Chapter 27: English Novel in the Romantic Period
   Chapter 28: Literary Chiticism in the Romantic Period
   Chapter 29: Social, Religious, and Poetic Background to the Victorian Age
Part V: The Victorian Age
   Chapter 30: Alfred, Lord Tennyson
   Chapter 31: Robert Browning and Dramatic Monologue
   Chapter 32: Matthew Arnold
   Chapter 33: Victorian Prose
   Chapter 34: Victorian Novel
Part VI: The Twentieth Century
   Chapter 35: Background to the Twentieth-Century Literature
   Chapter 36: The Poetry of Thomas Hardy
   Chapter 37: Gerard Manley Hopkins
   Chapter 38: William Butler Yeats
   Chapter 39: Thomas Stearns Eliot
   Chapter 40: Literary Criticism Since Matthew Arnold
   Chapter 41: Twentieth-Century English Novel
   Chapter 42: Modern English Drama
Selected Bibliography

توضیحات تکمیلی
وزن 840 گرم


امرالله ابجدیان





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